Keep Little Rock Beautiful’s 16th Annual Citywide Cleanup will be held on Saturday, March 8, 2025. The event is part of the Great American Cleanup.
Here is the listing of all the cleanup locations.
We are pleased to announce that our City Wide Cleanup Kick Off Site will be at The Anthony Schoo7700 Ohio St, Little Rock, AR 72227. At 8:30 am THV 11’s Brooke Buckner will emcee a short program. Volunteers will pickup litter in the area followig the program. Volunteers are welcome.
REGISTATION for our cleanup is CLOSED. However, you can register to conduct a cleanup for the Great American Cleanup between March thru May with Keep Arkansas Beautiful.
You can also support us with a donation to Friends of the City Wide Cleanup.
We would like to thank our Sponsors.
March 8, 2024 Cleanup Results:
558 Volunteersi1127 volunteer hourst
628 bags of litter collected
24,059 pounds of litter and bulky waste
363 block cleaned
75 acres of public spaces cleaned
22 tires collected
67 bags of recyclables collected
Value of volunteer time $38,839 (based on Keep America Beautiful formula)