Purchase a pet tag for display in honor or memory of your pets and donate to KLRB at the same time. Dog, cat, parrot, iguana, or goldfish, there is no limit to the number of pets you can love, so get a donor pet tag for all or as many pets as you wish.

Rainbow Bridge Pet Tags are engraved with two lines of text on exterior-grade and weather-resistant, acrylic resin and designed to last outdoors indefinitely. KLRB will assign one of six colors per tag ordered to maintain consistency and placement of rainbow colors appearing on the bridge. We permanently fasten your pets’ tags to the bridge for you.
The Rainbow Bridge at MacArthur Park is full. All new tags purchased will be placed on the Rainbow Bridge at the Little Rock Animal Village,

Buy Online Now
To purchase, leave your pet’s name and year(s) that you would like on the inscription and then select the Buy Now button. This information will be submitted with your order and we will place the engraved tag on the bridge. Rainbow Bridge Pet Tags are $25 each with proceeds supporting KLRB’s beautification, litter prevention, recycling and outreach programs, as well as dog parks in Little Rock.
Note: Pet Name and Years of Life lines are limited to 12 characters per line
PLEASE make sure to include your Pet’s Name, Years of Life, and your phone number on your order.
If you are purchasing a Pet Tag as a gift and would like for the pet owner to recieve an acknowledgement please send the
Pet’s Name
Owners Name and
Mailing Adddress to
Rainbow Bridge poem
If you are purchasing this item as a gift, consider printing out the Rainbow Bridge poem below to give to your recipient and let them know they can see the tag in their pet’s memory or honor at MacArthur Park.

Rainbow Bridge location at MacArthur Park